I have the pleasure in welcoming Katie Kimber from Kimbers Country Cleaning to the blog as a guest blogger, for something a little bit different & some top cleaning tips for busy people like you & me with animals & small people!!

Hello there, first of all, a quick introduction from me. I’m Katie, a self-employed cleaner, living in rural Shropshire with my husband Chris & very naughty beagle Lola! I have 2 horses, Millie & Fred & we enjoy taking part in lots of riding clubs activities & have dreams to compete at low-level eventing with Fred.
So back to the cleaning! My cleaning business is called Kimbers Country Cleaning & I have been working for myself for 4 years now, having worked for a cleaning company before that. I clean a range of properties, from people’s homes to holidays cottages & offices most of them in some very rural but very beautiful locations.
I am a big supporter of cleaners working in rural areas as I believe it is a very different business to those based in large towns & cities – customers want very different things & we face very different challenges.

Here are my 8 top tips for keeping on top of your housework, while leading busy lives with dogs, cats, horses & little people – whilst juggling working from home.
- Declutter, declutter declutter! A quote I love “have nothing in your home you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”. It really is that simple, if you’re working from home start with the room you are working in, a clear working environment will result in a clear mind!
- One Room at A Time. If you can make time to really deep clean one room at a time, in the long run, this will help make cleaning so much quicker & easier.
- Have One Room That Is Pet Free. Whether it’s a sitting room or a dining room, have one room that animals are banned from, so that when your Mum or your best friend just “pops” round for a cuppa, you know you will have a room you can sit in that will always be relatively clean & tidy. Let’s be honest you want to have a relaxing drink & not be sat there thinking how messy & embarrassing the room you’re sat in is. Yes, I know there will big complaints from the dog on this one, but despite their beliefs, you are actually in charge of your home!
- Clean Your Hoovers. Yes, I am serious! I get asked so many times do you need to change or wash your hoover filters every month, if you have lots of pet hair or mud/dirt then the answer is yes! Clean filters will mean your hoover will pick up better, therefore making hoovering quicker.
- How many cleaning products!?! Come on how many of you have a cupboard crammed full of bottles of products, half of which you have no idea why you bought them. With the world of social media & influencers, it is so easy to see someone with a perfectly clean home using a specific product & just rush off to buy it, but I promise you no product in the world is going to perform magic!! You need maybe 6 products – a bathroom cleaner, toilet gel/bleach, anti-bac spray, a degreaser, I love good old hot soapy water, polish & a floor cleaner. You will be more motivated to clean if you don’t feel overwhelmed by-products when you open the cupboard door. Keep it simple!
- Windows. Back to my favourite hot soapy water. Get a scrub sponge & get a good lather on your windows then simply wipe with a dry window cloth. (Window scrapers are even better & I would definitely recommend investing in one). No smears again quick & simple!
- Take your shoes off at the door. You know your Gran’s house that you always say is immaculate, it stays clean because she makes you take your shoes off. You will be amazed how much dirt you walk in, even on clean looking shoes. It’s not just your floors, the dust will get all over your surfaces, creating less dirt will result in less cleaning!
- Lastly, your house is your home, it’s lived in & loved. We can all look at the Mrs Hinch’s of the world & wish our home was the same. But really do you want that level of perfection, it’s your world, however messy or tidy it’s yours!! 💞
Thank you so much to Becky for allowing me to write this blog for Country Bumpkin Chic, if you have enjoyed reading it, you can read my own blogs at www.kimberscountrycleaning.com/blog.
If you would like to see more of daily life as a country cleaner, horsey adventures, pictures of the beautiful Shropshire countryside, cleaning tips or Instagram stories of my trying to find Lola! You can find me @katiekimber_countrycleaning on Instagram.Happy cleaning!
Katie x