Powered by Protexin

As we head into a new equestrian competition season, lots of riders will be thinking about what supplements they should use on their trusty steads, especially the older ones.

We’ve been using Cosequin Equine from Protexin on Barley who’s now 17 since June 2018 after recommendation from our equine physio.

I had the pleasure in catching up with one of the experts from Protexin – vet Liam Gamble MA VetMB MRCVS.

Cosequin Equine

Barley & his Cosequin
Barley & his Cosequin
  1. In a nutshell what is Cosequin Equine?

Cosequin Equine is a joint health supplement that supports normal joint function by feeding key nutrients to cartilage cells (chondrocytes), the joint capsule and surrounding bone.

  1. What are the benefits of Cosequin Equine for the horse?

The ingredients in Cosequin Equine are proven to improve lameness associated with arthritis and navicular disease. They do this by reducing inflammation and cartilage breakdown and stimulating cartilage repair.

  1. What type of horses should use Cosequin Equine?

Any horse with active joint inflammation, synovitis or arthritis would benefit immediately from Cosequin. However, as they age majority of horses develop joint pain and arthritis. Cosequin can be used to slow down the onset of these signs in horses of any age, especially those in regular work, or with imperfect conformation.

  1. What makes Cosequin different to a lot of other joint supplements on the market, it can be quite confusing as an owner when searching?

Many different joint supplements contain Glucosamine and Chondroitin. However, not all ingredients are created equally! For the ingredients to be effective they must be absorbed from the gut into the bloodstream and distributed to the joints – we call this their bioavailability. There are questions surrounding the bioavailability and therefore effectiveness of both glucosamine and chondroitin. The Chondroitin Sulphate TRH122® and Glucosamine HCl FCHG49® used in Cosequin have proven bioavailability in horses and are the subject of over 50 published clinical trials proving their effectiveness. This advanced bioavailability stems from the use of only the best quality low molecular weight ingredients.

  1. How quick can you start to see the effects of the supplement?

This varies a lot between horses depending on the severity and chronicity of the changes, but we would hope for you to see a difference within 2 weeks.

Barley flying the last at Bicton 2019 Photo by Jayphotos
Barley flying the last at Bicton 2019 Photo by Jayphotos

Recover Aid

Leo having kisses with Protexin Rep Jess Blackford
Leo having kisses with Protexin Rep Jess Blackford

Last summer we started using Recover Aid on both Leo & Barley pre & post events, so wanted to shed a little light on this product.

  1. In a nutshell what is Recover Aid?

Recover Aid is a mixture of probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins and antioxidants.

  1. When should you use it?

Recover Aid is formulated to support horses after periods of physical activity or illness. The probiotics and prebiotics support the gut, which can be disrupted during periods of stress (including travel and competition); the vitamins restore depleted body stores, support energy levels, and aid recovery of the muscles; the antioxidants, especially silybin (purified from milk thistle) support the liver, and help to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body.

  1. What type of horses would benefit from Recover Aid?

Recover Aid is an ideal choice to support horses prior to and following periods of intense exercise, travel and competition. It is also useful for horses following periods of disease (under the advice of the attending vet).

  1. Is it approved by affiliated bodies?

All of the Protexin Equine products are covered by the BETA NOPS scheme, which guarantees that they are free from prohibited substances, and can be used during affiliated competition.

Leo competing at Chard Express Eventing. Photo by Rob Bayes Photography
Leo competing at Chard Express Eventing. Photo by Rob Bayes Photography

Final question – would you recommend any other Protexin products for horses in competition?

Competition horses are often more prone to stomach ulcers, due to changes in their management, feeding, and stress levels. Acid Ease* helps to maintain a healthy pH in the stomach, which reduces the risk of ulcers. It can be fed twice daily and is perfect for a pre-exercise dose in a small handful of chaff. And Protexin’s Quick Fix is a convenient choice to support the hind gut before travel and exercise. The high concentration probiotic and prebiotic paste helps to settle the gut, and maintain normal digestion, setting the horse up for a successful day of competition!

*We’ve just ordered some Acid Ease to use on Leo as his routine has been disrupted quite a bit this winter with more days being stabled then out at grass.

Protexin goodies
Protexin goodies from our first meeting with Jess in 2018

If you have any questions for the Protexin team on any of their products, contact them via the below channels – they’re very friendly, knowledgeable & super helpful. And they are based down in the west country in sunny Somerset.



Instagram @ProtexinEquine

Facebook Protexin Equine Premium

Huge thank you to our lovely rep Jess Blackford for helping set up this blog post.

*Note this blog is not sponsored by Protexin. I believe that their products are fab & worth sharing that knowledge with a wider community.

Have you used Protexin before or any other supplements? What’s your go to?

For other equestrian related blog posts visit our equestrian section here.


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