If you follow me over on Instagram @becky_wren you’ll know I’m a lover of re-using my Chilly’s water bottle & using a re-usable coffee cup on my work trips to London. I try my best to be as sustainable as possible & can often be found chatting about plastic pollution in the work place.

I’m definitely no eco warrior, but with the recent increase in the media on plastic pollution through programmes such as the BBCs War on Plastic, it’s actually starting to make me feel a bit sick in the stomach at what we’re doing to our beautiful planet & I’m sure I’m not alone.
So, when I heard that Zoe from ethical equestrian lifestyle brand Honest Riders was going to be running a sustainability challenge throughout July helping encourage riders in their home & equestrian life to become more sustainable I knew that was a challenge I wanted to help champion.
Honest Riders core values are based on being sustainable & you can read more about Zoe’s sustainability journey here.
To get involved in #RidersOnAMission you simply need to pick 5 things you feel you can make small changes to during July & ongoing from the Honest Riders list here.
My 5 #RidersOnAMission Pledges are:
#1 Ditching the face wipes.
I don’t flush them down the loo like some people, but I’ve become heavily reliant on them on a daily basis – because it was, well convenient.
#2 Buy only loose fruit & veg
Now I know this is going to be a tricky one to get behind, especially living in a smallish town, but I’m determined to seek out the alternatives & share them with you.
#3 Replace one short journey in the car by walking or cycling.
I see this challenge as motivation to get fit as well as reducing my reliance on my car. So this could be a double win.
#4 Choose chemical free products to use on the horses & dog.
I always assumed that the products I use on the animals are chemical free, but this will help educate me in being more conscientious when selecting products to use on Leo, Barley & Alfie.
#5 Pick 2 things to switch to plastic alternatives.
I’m going to pick 1) Toilet Paper & 2) Toothbrush alternative. I also want to investigate cotton pad alternatives & visit a refill shop & mobile van local to me.
Follow me over on Instagram @becky_wren to follow my #RidersOnAMission journey where I’ll be sharing updates on how I’m getting on with my pledges & some other tips along the way. I’ll pop my stories in my ‘sustainability’ highlights, so you can pop there for reference. And will publish a follow up blog on how I get on with my x5 pledges later on in July.
Are you up for the challenge? The more people that get involved, the more of an impact we can have on the environment & it’s a less scary place when there are more of you trying out alternatives together.
Also, you don’t have to own a horse or ride to take part – encourage your friends & family to get involved.
I’d love to hear what changes you’re making or have made, please drop them in the comments & let’s encourage one & other to be more sustainable.
To keep up to date with the #RidersOnAMission challenge, follow the following on Instagram:
- @Honest_Riders
- Instagram Challenge Hashtag: #RidersOnAMission
- @becky_wren