Fitness: BeachFit Weymouth 20-22 July

Wellness & fitness festivals are all the rage in 2018. So, when I saw the Facebook post for BeachFit Weymouth hosted by GymPro Apparel on 20-22 July pop up on my newsfeed, I knew I had to find out more.

I caught up with the energetic & enthusiastic founder of BeachFit Weymouth & GymPro Apparel Adam Rai to get the low down on the event.

Hey Adam, & welcome to the Country Bumpkin Chic blog. So, how did you come up with the idea for BeachFit Weymouth?

Well, it all started just over 12 months ago, when myself & Leon launched GymPro Apparel. We were firefighters in the West Midlands & the fitness gear was like cardboard. So, we decided to design our own brand for the Fire Service & started selling it at local gyms & GymPro Apparel was born.

BeachFit Weymouth came about after I came to Weymouth last year & ran a GymPro Apparel pop up shop at the summer volleyball competition on the beach which gave us the idea of doing a fitness event. Our good friend David Heath from Active Fitness in Weymouth has been amazing hooking us up with the local council & helping us submit our proposal.

What type of classes will be held over the weekend?

BeachFit Weymouth is going to be a weekend full of fitness classes & fun activities held on the fantastic Weymouth beach. The party will kick off on Friday afternoon with a timetable of classes & a live DJ taking you into the night & building up to our special sunset spin class where we will have over 50 bikes & instructed by our Time2climb presenters. There will be a licensed bar hosted by our friends at Aura, so you can join in or chill out & enjoy the vibe.
On Saturday activities will start early (8am) with a beach boot camp, promenade jog or sunrise yoga. The day will continue with favourites including spin, HIIT, club pump, bums & tums, piyo, yoga, Zumba, plus much more.

Plus, for those that prefer something fun but competitive, there will be volleyball, target frisbee & beach bowls. Saturdays classes will end at 5pm with a 30-minute stretch & relax session & then Saturday night is party time so bring your dancing shoes & be ready to let your hair down.
Sunday morning will start later to allow for those with sore heads, but will again be a mix of all classes & we’ll be closing at 3pm with a live DJ spin class & shut down stretch.

It’s going to be such a great atmosphere & we’ve got fitness instructors from up & down the country attending, I even had instructors from the Isle of Wight get in touch as they want to get involved.

Check out the full timetable here.

How much are tickets for the weekend?

Day tickets are £20 & weekend tickets for all three days is £50. At registration, everyone will get a wristband & a branded event t-shirt will be available.

Can people rock up on the day & join in?

Of course, we know Weymouth is a hot tourist destination in the summer, so hopefully, we’ll get some holidaymakers joining in as well as lots of locals, & our friends from our local gym in Stafford.

And is there anything else going on at BeachFit apart from fitness classes?

We’ll have a beach party with a bar & lounge run by the guys over at Aura & an after party at Boom Box on Saturday night to give the real Weybiza experience. & we’ll also have a pop-up shop selling GymPro Apparel, & protein supplements.

What are you most looking forward to?

Well, on the day I’ll be comparing the festival, you won’t miss me as I’ll be embracing the Weybiza vibe wearing a grass skirt & Hawaiian lei – so come & say ‘hi’.

I’m looking forward to seeing fitness instructors, gyms & fitness enthusiasts all come together. & if all goes well this year, we’ll be looking to run other fitness events in the future.

Key links:

Hope to see some of you down there!


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