Today we went for a mooch around West Bay. I decided to pop my Canon EOS 1200D DSLR in my bag & just suck it up & use it where ever possible.
So, here are the results. Dan helped take the ones with me in them – obviously & the digger ones. I then had a play with the creative filters on the camera which are pretty cool. I like the toy effect which gives that blurred look around the edge.
Toy effect creative filter
Toy effect creative filter
Edited on Be Funky
They’re by no means perfect, but I feel pretty chuffed that I actually stopped procrastinating & took some dam photos! As you can imagine West Bay is full of Broadchurch fans, so I felt at home with the other amateur photographers.
What do people use for editing these days? I found Be Funky which seems pretty adequate for messing around with some images until I need something a bit more professional.
I’m also going to sign up for a free 14 day trial with Skill Share who have loads of photography, blogging & writing tutorials. Anyone else signed up & have any tutorial recommendations?
Ooh and for those who follow me on Twitter, I’ve finally decided to buy the Olympus PEN E-PL7 in White when it’s back in stock at the end of Feb. If looks a-mazing & I can’t wait to get my mitts on it.