Avocado Loving

Hurrah, we made it to February! Give yourself a hi-five!

Still sticking to those new year’s resolutions? How many of you started 2015 with good intentions with a ‘new year, new you’ mantra? Joined a gym,
started a diet, or signed up to the latest fitness craze? I’ve done a few of these things over the years, but this year, one of my aims was to start
eating a bit healthier and more protein with a ‘strong not skinny’ mantra in mind. For me I want to feel healthy, have bags of energy and be toned – not much to ask for!

At weekends I pack a lot into 48 hours, with exercising two horses, competing them and trying to catch up with friends – which often means
my energy levels crash by 3pm and I need a cheeky siesta. I recently discovered Kayla Itsines an Aussie personal trainer who is taking social media by storm with her fitness guides and inspirational Instagram pics. I’ve downloaded both the Bikini Body Guide 12 week exercise training plan & her foodie guide HELP (Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Plan).

One of the best things about following Kayla’s HELP guide has been discovering avocados. Before I was actually a bit scared of them.

Random, I know. A few years back a friend’s daughter managed to slice her tendons whilst cutting one open, so it put me off for years thinking they were the devil fruit – which is ridiculous! When in fact avocados are so good for you…they’re nutritious, jam packed full of health benefits (check out this link to 15 avocado benefits) and really yummy.

Anyway, I’m now all over this protein beauty and enjoy an avocado feast 3-4 times a week for breakfast. Here are two of my fave brekkie recipes so far:

Half an avocado on toast, with a poached egg and strips of salmon

A quick & easy brekkie and totally scrummy that will fill you up to lunch time.

Baked avocado and eggs.

Scoop out a couple of spoons of avocado, add the egg yolk first & then the whites.

Pop in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 mins & hey presto another scrummy avocado treat.

Does anyone have any good avocado recipes? Please feel free to share or comment below.



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  1. April 18, 2020 / 10:54 am

    I never tried the baked avocado and eggs before. I might give it a try the moment avocado becomes available in the market.

    • countrybumpkinchic
      April 20, 2020 / 7:42 am

      I haven’t tried this for a while either. Need to get my hands on some avocados post lockdown!

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