Glastonbury Festival – Where the magic happens…

I couldn’t resist it! As all those eager Glastonbury 2014
festival goers settle down to an evening round their camp fire or dancing up at the stone circle,
I’ve been looking back on my photos from 2009.

It was my first experience of the big one down at Worthy
Farm. Having struggled to get a ticket, my friend Kirsti and I decided to try our hand
at volunteering for
Oxfam and applied to be a steward. I’d previously
volunteered at Camp Bestival so had a rough idea of what to expect.

Oxfam have been stewarding Glasto since 1993 and with over
2000 volunteers on site is a huge part of making the festival run as smoothly
as poss. From memory we worked about x3 sets of 6-8 hour shifts. I think
because we were ladies we managed to do pretty well on our shift times and got
to see the acts we wanted to. Jobs included checking artists, suppliers and
everyone else’s tickets on the way to the Park stage and helping people cross
the road which on the Sunday with little sleep was pretty stressful!!

Anyhow, volunteering meant we had a classier field, access
to showers, meal tickets and cleaner portaloos, well as clean as a portaloo can
get I suppose. Oh, and did I mention a free ticket to Glastonbury?!

And the memories, well they were pretty special. In full
swing Glastonbury is temporarily the 3rd largest city in the south
west – that’s crazy. It’s a festival I’ll look back with huge fondness. It’s
not just about the big acts, but making friends with strangers, discovering new
music, comedy and embracing everything that goes with the weird and wonderful 4
day festival.

So, here’s some of my top magical Glastonbury moments:

Where did we put the tent? Punters field!

Kirsti (right) & I rocking our Oxfam hi-vis vest…

Jason Mraz in the Acoustic Tent…

Now Glastonbury wouldn’t be Glastonbury without a spot of mud!

Piccie in the artist lorry/tour bus park with a sleepy Passion Pit.

Glastonbury posing!

Going mental for Kasabian!

Nothing quite beats a Glastonbury sunset…

Dancing with our new Glasto fwends to Madness…

Everyone loves a bit of Madness!


So, if you’re off down to Worthy Farm this weekend, my top
tip would be – switch off your mobile phone, and go embrace the magic that is


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